Veteran Narratives
It is the responsibility of every American community to remember, honor and capture the stories of its Veterans. With the interviews of our Veterans Narratives, we recognize our brave Veterans for their service, hoping to inspire other communities to forge a closer connection with Veterans and their experiences and discover the shining heroes and heroines in their midst. Veteran Narratives are creating a stronger sense of cohesion and inclusiveness in our community. iMichigan Productions is proud to record and share these incredible stories and to be an agent of healing as Veterans talk about their service experiences. These Veteran Narratives will help share those stories with the community and serve as a public service campaign to engage families, neighbors and students, and to encourage them to conduct interviews with Veterans in their own communities.
All of our interviews are conducted with the guidelines of the Veterans History Project so that they are eligible to be submitted to the Library of Congress.
Importance of Capturing Veteran Stories

"I think it's so important that the stories of Veterans are collected. I had the honor to serve in the United States Navy Reserve. I was a combat War Specialist, a Lieutenant Commander. And while I was there I met some of the most honorable people that you would ever meet. Patriots who believe deeply in their country. They all have wonderful stories to tell and it's important to capture that the American People understand that history is not just written with the Admirals and the Generals and Presidents and big decisions but history is really written by individual soldiers, airmen, marines, sailors, coastguard men who are out there serving their country day in day and that's really the heart can fabric of history that's where all the context and all the content of what the human struggle is all about and it lies with the individual stories and it's those stories that paint this incredibly human picture of war is like, what sacrifice is like, what patriotism is all about. And until people hear those stories from an individual, someone who lived it, who experienced it, someone who felt it in the most personal way, I don't think we have a good understanding of what is involved with our men and women who serve and put on a uniform. It's a great project to collect these stories and we've got to get everybody's story recorded for all time."
~ U.S. Senator Gary Peters